Who we are

What brings us together

We are an integral part of the Romanian society, reserve officers brought together by the need for respect and truth, the power to devotedly fulfill military vows and the wish to live at a proven level of capability and aspiration, in an endeavor which is deeply involved in shaping Romania for today and tomorrow.

The Romanian Reserve Officers’ Association (AORR is the acronym according to the Romanian/French language) is a non-governmental organization, with non-profit character, autonomous and apolitical, founded in 2004, member of the NATO Interalied Confederation of Reserve Officers (CIOR) and of the CIOR Committee. AORR is actively involved in all the activities organized by CIOR, at a vice-president level, as well as in activities conducted in partnership with associations and organizations from Romania and abroad.

The president of AORR is general (r) dr. Virgil BĂLĂCEANU (VP), an officer with outstanding results and a wide experience gained during over 40 years of activity in the Romanian Army.

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