The objectives of AORR are:
- To maintain and develop the love for the fatherland and national flag, the respect towards the Constitution, national laws and Romanian Armed Forces, to act in order to defend the territorial integrity, the independence and the unity of Romanian state;
- To educate and develop the feelings of consideration, respect and affection towards the democracy values, to support the achievement of the objectives of national defence and those of collective defence within the North Atlantic Alliance;
- To develop the feeling of duty to defend the country, of the solidarity and cooperation among reserve officers from all the categories of army forces, from the national security system, and also to develop links of friendship and collaboration with officers from similar military associations from NATO and the EU Member States;
- To contribute to the professionalization of reserve officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and all-ranks of military volunteers, and to support their integration in the effort of national and collective defence;
- To contribute, through projects and proposals, to the support of the interests of reserve military people and of their families, and also to the increase of their quality of life, according to the standards imposed by the Romania’s status as member of NATO and the EU;
- To campaign for the defence of military dignity and honour;
- To promote the contacts and the cohesion between active and reserve forces; to develop actions of cooperation with similar associations, with CIOR member associations, according to bilateral agreements and according to the articles of incorporation of those organizations;
- To contribute to the selection and training of candidates for the occupation of volunteer officer, Non-Commissioned Officer, and all-ranks;
- To educate the respect towards the heroes honour who sacrificed themselves for Romania’s freedom, independence and sovereignty and while in missions, under the auspice of international organizations, for democracy and for keeping national identity; to contribute to the education of young generation in the spirit of love for the country, for its glorious past and the traditions for the Armed Forces’ battles and of the affection to Romanian people;
- To contribute to the modernization of legal frame of national and collective defence, to the constitution of reserve military forces, to promote the army’s interests for the equipment with modern fight means and for the development of national defence industry;
- To actively promote, within the Romanian society, the interests of national security system, to take a strong stance against the policies and practices that denigrates the army and the national interests;
- To contribute to the knowledge dissemination in the sector of military science and technology, of military and defence planning;
- To develop the fellowship between its members and to stimulate the collaboration with other associative and professional structures, especially from the national security system;
- To contribute to the harmonization of the relationships between active, volunteer and reserve military people and civil society; to support the integration in the civil society of the staff placed on reserve status;
- To support, through the available means, AORR members in difficulty.