SECDEF19: articles generated after the conference last year, published in the Polish magazine Ante Portas Security Studies

SECDEF19: articles generated after the conference last year, published in the Polish magazine Ante Portas Security Studies

Following the proceedings of the SECDEF 19 International Conference of Experts that took place in November last year and the Partnership Agreement signed with the Polish College of Business and Entrepreneurship, the Polish journal Ante-Portas Security Studies published, in issue no 1/2020, three resulting articles following the Conference Proceedings, as follows:

  • Maya Urushadze – „The role of Kremlin propaganda machine in the ‘Frame-Games’ of international agenda”;
  • (r) dr. Crăișor-Constantin Ioniță – „Terror in Europe and its sources in illegal migration from the South. How to distinguish one from the other and contain both”;
  • (r) Claudiu Bratu and Ms. Mariana Barbu – „Romanian civil protection from the perspective of NATO crisis response measures”.

The respective articles are in the annex.