The Romanian Reserve Officers Association (AORR), involved in the fight against COVID-19

The Romanian Reserve Officers Association (AORR), involved in the fight against COVID-19

The original article was published in the Romanian Military Observer no.17. from 29 Apr – 05 May 2020, by Marius Bâtcă. Translation by col (rz.) dr. Crăișor C. Ioniță. 

Photo by col (rz.) Ninel Cercheaza / AORR

The Romanian Reserve Officers Association (AORR) donated 460 medical visors to the Central Military Emergency University Hospital (SUUMC) in Bucharest and the ROL 2 Deployable Military Hospital, in function at the Ana Aslan Hospital in Bucharest. These are in addition to a 120- medical visors aid granted in the previous week. Over 40 AORR members donated over 10,000 lei for this purpose. The medicla visors were purchased through the efforts of AORR members and with consistent support from robotics teams made up of high school students from Bucharest, Ploiești and Deva, participants in the FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) program. These teams have the ability to produce 3D-printed visors, which they donated either directly to those in needs or to AORR for further distribution.

“It is a spontaneous collaboration that brings together three generations in the fight against Covid-19: military personnel who have ended their active period, volunteer reservists and high school students. We are in a period of turmoil, but also of confirmations related to our potential – and the contact with the FTC is such a confirmation”, said the AORR President, Lt. Gen. (rtr.) Virgil Bălăceanu, PhD.

“We are glad that we can help, by staying close to active comrades and, at the same time, with minimal exposure to the risks of Covid-19 for AORR members. It is not a small thing to deliver hundreds of medical visors every week, and if we can do that now it is only due to the mobilization that took place in the whole society”, said, in his turn, the AORR Secretary General, Bde Gen. (r) Iulică Burticioiu.

AORR plans to deliver another 500 medical visors next week. Also due to the accumulation of donations in money and materials, an action that will continue in the coming weeks, it will be possible to make a stock of such visors for military structures in Suceava, a city closed for quarantine.