Over 200 specialists in areas relevant to National Defence took part in the International Conference of Experts SECDEF19

Over 200 specialists in areas relevant to national defence took part in the International Conference of Experts SECDEF19

Between 7 – 8 November 2019, the of Romanian Reserve Officers Association (AORR) and the Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand I” (ATM), in partnership with the Central European Institute for Research and Strategic Analysis (CIRSA) Poland, the Romanian Business Association of the Military Technique Manufacturer – PATROMIL and the College for Business and Entrepreneurship from Ostrowiec, Poland organised the International Experts Conference with the main theme “Strengthening the Regional Cooperation in Europe and Euro-Atlantic Area on Security and Defense Industries for Maintaining and Developing Priority – Established Defense Capabilities. The Use of Wider Military Cooperation Programmes to Increase Security and Defense in Europe.”

The Conference was attended by over 200 representatives of State institutions (Defense Public Order and National Security Commission / Chamber of Deputies, MFA, MoND, Ministry of Economy, CERT, ANCPI, ANIF), Romanian Academy (ELI-NP Research Center Măgurele), University professors (from ATM, Babes-Bolyai University, Titu Maiorescu University, SNSPA, “George Marshall” Association), experts in the field of security, research and production of military equipment from Romania (Safetech Inovation, CARFIL SA, GRR International, TELEKOM, ENERGOTECH SA, INCAS, TID-Group, INCD COMOTI Turbomotors, Eurisc Foundation & ICI Bucharest, Defense Engineering Co, ROMARM SA, SIF Oltenia, Leichmann Weifert Invest SRL, Interactive Software SRL, C&M Jeler, SC EUROTECHNIC Industries, SAI SIRA, Avisso Consulting Service SRL, PwC Romania, ZENTIVA, MarcTel SIT, SIVECO Romania, UM Sadu, ACTTM, ZIPPER Services) and other countries, such as Poland, France, Georgia (WBiP, New University of Tbilisi, French Naval Group, Creative Engineering SP. Z.O.O. from Poland, diplomats from the Polish Embassy in Bucharest, students from Saint Cyr Coetquidan Special Military School, in France and Vasil Levski National Military University, in Dolna Mitropolia, Bulgaria), active military personnel (from Defence Staff, Services, DGIA), in reserve and retired (representatives of ANCMMR, AORR, ADMRR, I2DS, ANCMRR Eng, ARPIA, Romanian Naval League, ACCSM), as well as representatives of the media (6TV station, Geo Politics Magazine, Military Observatory, Army Time).

The Conference Opening Ceremony started with a speech deliverd by Lt. Gen. (r) dr. Virgil Bălăceanu, the AORR President and the Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the activity. After his statement, the following speakers took the floor: the representative of the Minister of National Defense, Gen. Laurian Anastasof, the Rector (Commandant) of the Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand I”, Brig. Gen. prof. dr. eng. Constantin-Iulian Visitiu and the representative of the Polish College of Business and Entrepreneurship, Lt. Gen. (rtr) assoc.prof. Dr. Anatol Wojtan. During the plenary session, there were presented very interesting and actual topics by Acad. Nicolae-Victor Zamfir, the General Director of the ELI-NP Research Center from  Măgurele, Mr. Ioan Simion, Main Partner at PwC Romania and dr. Liviu Mureșan, the President of the EURISC Foundation.

The Conference was organised in three panels – Adapting National Defense Industries of the Central and Eastern European States to the new Geo-economics/Geostrategic Framework Marked by Globalization and the Emergence of New Risk and Threat Factors; Military Cooperation Programmes and Special Initiatives at the Alliance’s Level and within the EU’s Common Security and Defense Policy; Increasing the Importance of Scientific Research and Technology in Partnerships. Strengthening the Relations between the Military Technical Education and National Defense Industry.

The scientific event, having the subject of developing the European and Euro-Atlantic regional cooperation in the Security and Defense Industry domains to maintain and develop prioritised defense capabilities, offered the academic framework for exchanging ideas, expressing opinions and presenting the latest projects and results of the scientific research carried out for the respective purpose.

A real success was the visit to the laser from Măgurele, an activity organised and led by Acad. Nicolae-Victor Zamfir, the General Director of the ELI-NP Research Center and which was conducted during the afternoon of the first day of the Conference.

We appreciate that the entire work during the SECDEF 19 Conference was, from all points of view, a great success. Obviously, we believe that its spirit and its results must be made known throughout the Romanian and, if possible, international media, academic environment and defence industry factories. Most presentations were substantial, representing also a starting point for ensuring greater consistency in the fields of fundamental and applied research, the defense industry etc. Obviously, this is not enough. The spirit of the conference, the proposals and ideas presented and synthesized must determine the change of Vision, Strategy, as well as the adoption of legislative, financial and organisational measures so that the national endowment programmes and projects, as well as those of multinational industrial cooperation initiated by NATO and the EU give a decent place to the national defense industry. Otherwise, without practical consequences, our conference would only be purely theoretical, academic and not pragmatic, in support of increasing the national defense capacity.

For more details, visit the conference website: https://www.mta.ro/international/secdef-ro/