First Day of the International Conference of Experts SECDEF 19

First Day of the International Conference of Experts SECDEF 19

The opening of the International Conference of Experts SECDEF 2019, on the topic of developing regional European and Euroatlantic cooperation in the area of defence industries, for the maintenance and development of prioritary defence capabilities, took place in the Aula Magna of the Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand I”, Thursday, 7 Nov 2019, beginning with 09:00. 

The International Conference of Experts “Strenghtening the Regional Cooperation in Europe and Euro-Atlantic Area on Security and Defense Industries for Maintaining and Developing Priority – Established Defense Capabilities. The Use of Wider Military Cooperation Programmes to Increase Security and Defense in Europe” organized by the Romanian Reserve Officers Association (AORR) and the Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand I”, in partnership with The Central European Institute of Research and Strategic Analysis, Poland (CIRSA), the Romanian Business Association of the Military Technique Manufacturers (PATROMIL) and the College of Business and Entrepreneurship in Ostrowiec, Poland is taking place in 7-8 Nov 2019, at the Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand I”.

Attending the conference are representatives of the main public institutions, academics, university scholars, experts in security, research and armaments manufacturing  from Romania and countries such as Poland, France, Georgia, as well as active, reserve and retired military personnel. 

The Romanian Reserve Officers Association (AORR) is the only professional organization representing reserve and retired officers in relationship with the NATO International Confederation of Reserve Officers (CIOR).

An important objective in the activity of AORR is the establishment of reserve forces able to support and suplement active forces in the case of a crisis threatening national security and defence. To this end, AORR acts for the rejuvenation of the National Industry able to manufacture modern arms systems, common and compatible to the armies of NATO states.

For further details, please visit the site of the conference:

Press release picked up from the website of the Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand I”.