AORR Representatives Participated in a Launching of Book Activity in the Academic Environment
On 26.06.2019, at the Headquarters of “Titu Maiorescu” University of Bucharest, Faculty of Communication Sciences and International Relations, Research Center for International Relations, Geopolitics and Security Studies, took place a launching of book activity for the book “Russian Federation and the Equilibrium of Power in the 21st Century.” The book was printed at the Military Publishing House, under the coordination of lect. univ. dr. Eugen Lungu, who is also a member of our Association and represents the materials elaborated and presented during the Round Table on the same theme, held on 06.11.2018.
Included in the published book are also four chapters produced by AORR members – lect.univ.dr. Eugen Lungu, Col. (r) prof. univ. dr. Constantin Manolache, Col. (r) dr. Crăişor-Constantin Ioniţă and lect. univ. dr. Mihai Goia.
The activity was led by Mr. Eugen Lungu and had a substantial presence – approx. 40 academics and military reservists. On behalf of AORR, at the activity participated: the President of the Association, Lt.Gen. (r) Dr. Virgil Balaceanu; Col. (r.) Dr. Crăişor C. Ioniţă; Lect.univ.Dr.Mihai Goia.